
Maintenance – 2022/04/29

Hello everyone,

The Server will be rebooted at around 20.00 CET/18.00 UTC for a Kernel update.
After that, I’ll upgrade all Containers and VMs to Ubuntu 22.04, which will take longer than the normal Maintenance.

I’ll keep updates here, the web server has already been upgraded, so It will stay online after normal maintenance.

EDIT 1: Testing and upgraded on my local machine worked without any issues and took less than I thought. All upgrade shouldn’t take all that long after all, I think 30 minutes max.

EDIT 2: Kernel update done, upgrading CTs/VMs now.

EDIT 3: Mostly everything done, 1 is running into bugs, 1 is 20.10 sooo, gonna work on that.

EDIT 4: 1 CT is still running into issues, will postpone that one.

Best regards,
– Kleb/Leon

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